The Narrow Road 窄路微塵
by LAM Sum
Starring : Louis CHEUNG, Angela YUEN...
Romance, Road-movie, Drama social | 115 min | 2022 | VOSTFR
French premiere
Romance, Road-movie, Drame social | 115 min| 2022|VOSTFR
Starring : Louis CHEUNG, Angela YUEN
The protagonist Chak struggles to keep his cleaning company afloat under COVID as he meets another protagonist Candy, who needs a job, and Chu, her little daughter. LAM Sum (co-director of May You Stay Forever Young少年 – opening of 1st FFHKP) employs the style of romance and road movies to illustrate the lives of the poor during the pandemic.

October 14 (Saturday) at 8 p.m.
October 16 (Monday) at 7 p.m. + The director will be present after the screenings

Meeting the director, LAM Sum

LAM Sum (Director)
Lam Sum est un nouveau réalisateur de Hong Kong remarqué. Né en 1985, c'est un Hongkongais qui aime le cinéma, la musique et les activités sociales. Diplômé de l'école de cinéma et de télévision de l'Académie des arts du spectacle de Hong Kong, spécialisé dans la réalisation, il travaille aujourd'hui comme réalisateur indépendant de courts métrages et de documentaires. Ses œuvres se concentrent principalement sur les questions sociales : The Narrow Road (2022), May You Stay Forever Young (2021).
October 16 (Monday) at 7 p.m.
October 16 (Monday) at 7 p.m.

Meeting the director, LAM Sum

LAM Sum (Director)
Lam Sum is one of Hong Kong's most talked-about new directors. Born in 1985, he is a Hong Konger who loves cinema, music and social activities. A graduate of the Film and Television School of the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, specializing in directing, he now works as an independent director of short films and documentaries. His work focuses mainly on social issues: The Narrow Road (2022), May You Stay Forever Young (2021).